The Canòdrom reflects on the impacts that screens have on children and adolescents

The series “Growing up with screens? Education, technologies and democracy” will be taking place from February to June 2024.

25/01/2024 - 16:40 h - Childhood Ajuntament de Barcelona

The proliferation of screens and digital devices in the everyday lives of children and teenagers has raised questions about how technology may affect their development. The early use of technology raises concerns, leading to a reflection on the limits of the current digitalisation model.

The series Growing up with screens? Education, technologies and democracy” aims to explore the challenges of, and reflections concerning, the digitalisation environment in early childhood and while growing up, focusing on critical examination and digital rights. An open, participatory debate at the Canòdrom between the months of February and June 2024.

Education under a technological monopoly

The series of debates begins on Thursday 1 February, from 6 to 8 pm, with the session OMG, screens! Technologies at the service of whom?”. This first session deals with the current digitalisation model in schools and how it is affecting young children’s interaction with the world around them. What technological model is behind the current situation? How is it being carried out?

This will be a session for understanding and exploring the problem, with Tamara Fernández, from the Mobile-free Adolescence in Poblenou platform; Mercè Botella, from the NGO Som Connexió; Sandra Gómez, from the Ferrer i Guàrdia Foundation, and the digital gender-violence Femblochelpline initiative.

Impacts on health

Another crucial factor is the impact on the health of young children and adolescents. Growing concerns about mental health, the quality of the sound and constant exposure to electronic screens will be another central theme of the series. How can we balance access to technology with healthy physical and mental development?

According to the Observatory of Childhood, the statistics for 2023 show that the most common device is the smart phone, with an average of 2.8 devices per household. However, the WHO’s advice is that exposing children under the age of 2 should be avoided, as overexposure could lead to various health problems.

The future of digitalisation in schools is in the hands of ‘big tech’ companies

Digital integration in schools raises questions about how technology is incorporated into the educational environment. This transformation, led by large technological companies (big tech) such as Google and Microsoft, has raised concerns about the massive extraction of data, a characteristic of surveillance capitalism. How is the current digitalisation model introduced into schools?

Digital gaps and inequalities

The International Computer and Information Literacy Study (ICILS, 2018) highlights that only 21% of students demonstrate autonomy in digital tasks, which raises questions about educational strategies aimed at achieving digital citizens. It is crucial to assess whether digitalisation is eliminating digital gaps or consolidating new ones. How are these gaps being tackled? Do children and teenagers have equal access to technology and the opportunities that it offers?

The voice of the protagonists

In order to enrich the debate, the series also seeks to understand the perspectives of young people, identifying their challenges and opportunities, and creating a digital environment that meets their needs. We are organising a co-creation session with teenagers from various city schools.

Information about the series:

  • Thursday, 1 February: “OMG, screens! Technologies at the service of whom?”

Registration is open

  • March: “Health 2.0: key factors for a healthy digital life”

More information coming soon.

  • April: “Challenges for achieving a democratic, digital school”

More information coming soon.

  • May: “In the classroom and beyond: inequalities and digitalisation”

More information coming soon.

  • June: “The perspective of teenagers: a collaborative diagnosis” (closed session)

This is a closed session with education centres from the Congrés i els Indians neighbourhood.